European Big Brother

Vejam as fotos e declarações feitas durante as reuniões que se realizaram neste final de semana na Europa

Jan Kees de Jager, the Dutch finance minister, told colleagues: "We've got to get real. People are talking about new defences but with one gulp the whole €440 billion could be gone, leaving the eurozone with no protection at all."

Wolfgang Schaeuble, Germany's finance minister, could not resist taking an "I told you so" approach - he had been, after all, the first to call for an "orderly" default for Greece 18 months ago, at a time when the cost of such a move was less than one third of the price today. "Schaeuble is a man who does not mince his words, whose reputation for harshness and arrogance is well earned. He was, frankly, unbearable," said one diplomat.

Christine Lagarde, the French finance minister turned IMF chief  says that the IMF would no longer be willing to pick up a third of the total bill for rescuing Greece, a contribution worth €73 billion, unless European banks were prepared to write off 50 per cent of Greek debt.

Francois Baroin, the young and inexperienced French finance minister, attempted to hit back, complaining that the IMF's default medicine would hit France the hardest; the country's banks are highly exposed and could threaten its "untouchable" AAA rating. But Mrs Lagarde, who had held his post until taking up the IMF job this summer, "shut him up" by brandishing the report and pointing to it its detailed figures. "She really slapped him down - and in perfect English too, a language he cannot speak," said a diplomat.

Nicolas Sarkozy's "two faced" personality has been cited as a major factor in his dysfunctional relationship with Angela Merkel. During one-to-one, face-to-face meetings with the German Chancellor, the French President is said to be "syrupy", "ladling on the charm", but when her back is turned or she leaves the room, Mr Sarkozy changes tack. "She says she is on a diet and then helps herself to a second helping of cheese," the French president allegedly said after a dinner meeting with Mrs Merkel.

George Osborne, the British Chancellor - expressed frustration on Saturday that their emergency meeting could take no decisions of substance until Mrs Merkel and Mr Sarkozy had buried the hatchet. "This Ecofin meeting has been reduced to an academic seminar, an exercise with absolutely no purpose," complained one finance minister.

Gostaram? e mesmo com toda esta confusão o mercado não deu a menor bola, as bolsas subiram em todos os continentes e a decisão nem foi anunciada só na quarta feira!

O SP 500 fechou a 1.255 com alta de 1,43%,  o real a R$ 1,7510 em baixa de 1,30% e o euro a 1,3950 com alta de 0,40%.
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